Tuesday, June 19, 2012

#63 Go to a Drive in movie Theater COMPLETE 9 June 2012

Nothing like cramming three people into a convertible coupe on a crisp Washington summer night to go to the drive in. It actually was a lot of fun but the wind was kicking. Dave, Matt and I went to the Skyline Drive-in theatre to see Snow White and the Huntsmen and Prometheus in Dave’s new convertible.  We tried to watch with the top off but ended up getting too cold, so we put the top up and worked with the tiny backseat.  

#6 Build a cover for my patio COMPLETE 15 May 2012

 It only took a year for me to finally get a patio cover. There were many debates as to how I was going to do this. I had one company come out and do an estimate but their bid came in at 20K, a little too expensive for my taste. Then I thought about building it myself, but that seemed like a lot of work and I don't have the proper tools for the job. One fine day a man left a flyer on my door for patio covers at a great price and they would build it in one day. So, I called, they came out, gave me an estimate that I could live with, went to work one morning and when I came home from work I had a new patio cover. I LOVE IT. Sitting on the back patio is so lovely now.