Tuesday, October 2, 2012

#71 Visit a State Park COMPLETE 28 September 2012

Nothing like a refreshing hike up the side of a crater through military drilled tunnels and climbing metal steep stairs to get the blood pumping. It is all worth it when I got to the top of Diamond Head, Honolulu, Hawaii.

The view was breath taking (okay, maybe that was the climb) but it was also the view. I will do it again next time I get the chance to visit.

#4 Throw a penny in a fountain and make a wish COMPLETE 19 September 2012

After searching for years (literally) I arrive in Las Vegas to find wishing fountains everywhere. So, what better to do than conjure up a wish and toss a penny into the depths of the cool waters of the pool.
Now I just have to wait and see if my wish comes true....

#3 Play in a Texas Holdem Tournament COMPLETE 21 September 2012

While vacationing in Las Vegas I entered into a Texas Holdem Tournament at the Flamingo casino. At first a received quite a few bad hands and even bet on a few that I shouldn't have. This made some of the older gentlemen snicker and believe that I would soon be off the table. But after letting a few rounds pass by without betting I got my hand, and then another, and another. Next thing I knew those gentlemen were fewer and fewer until it was just me and two others.
Unfortunately my final hand (and most hated hand Ace deuce) brought me to an end. The man next to me beat me with an ace seven. All in all a good day though. I placed third in my first ever Vegas Texas Holdem Tournament.