Wednesday, February 26, 2014

#83 Fly a kite Complete 27 May 2012

There are simple pleasures in life and flying a kite is one of them. It is amazing how the things that brought so much enjoyment to me as a child can still bring a smile my face as an adult. A few years ago some close friends and I went to a beach in England and spent the day building a sand castle. It was fabulous. Today I spent the day flying a kite. Another day enjoying the wonders of childhood. I really need to do this more often. 

#74 Ride a mechanical bull Complete 10 February 2013

They started off really slow. But once they actually started bucking back and forth, I think that I lasted 8 seconds. It was the most painful 8 seconds of my life and I will probably never do it again but at least I can say I have done it once in my life. 

#61 Spend the Day at Pike's Place Market Complete 2 January 2013

No day at Pike's Place Market would be complete without Rain!!!! It was still a lovely day. 

Did you know that the original Starbucks store is in Pike's Place Market and that it is the only place that you can see the original logo? When Starbucks went big they had to change their logo so that the mermaids breasts wouldn't show. But all merchandise that you purchase at the Pike's Place Starbucks will come with the original bare it all logo em-blazed on your mug, cup, shot glass etc.

Such beautiful colors displayed at the market. It is hard to know if you are there to take pictures, buy dinner, or just enjoy the environment.

And finally the fresh seafood!!! Yes, they do throw fish at the market. We got to see them throw a couple of fish that were the size of toddlers but the whole selection of fresh seafood left us starving. To this day it amazes me when I go to visit friends and they try to take me to seafood restaurants. Don't they realize I have the best right here in my own back yard? You all need to come here and take advantage of what the great Northwest has to offer.

#10 Visit Kurt Cobain Memorial in Aberdeen, WA Complete 01 January 2013

 The whole town seemed to be dedicated to Kurt Cobain. As we drove into Aberdeen the first thing you see is a sign with the famous lyrics of Nirvana "Come as you are".  And we did, dressed in sweatshirt, rain jacket and cargo pants (not quite Nirvana inspired clothing but comfortable none the less) we went in search of the memorial.

Once at the memorial we found a few monuments but by far the coolest was the "air guitar" stand.