Monday, April 12, 2010

IMDB # 41 Saving Private Ryan

I know, I am so behind the times. I just watched this for the first time today. What an amazing film. Why I haven't seen this before I do not know but I haven't ever seen this or had the oppertunity to see this. Lets see it came out in 1998 which was when I graduated from high school and I really wasn't into military then so that probably has a lot to do with why I haven't ever seen it before. But I will admitt I did let maybe, 3 or 4 tears fall down my cheeks as he saluted the grave site at the end.

I must say though, in my current mind set; Military Intelligence (MI) never ceases to disappoint me. In this film it is the linguist who lets his fellow Soldier die and stands aside scared while he holds all the ammo. Freakin cowards. This is one of many reasons I can not wait to get out of my current unit. I am so glad that I am not deploying with these people. O'well, just one persons opinion. But this was truly a great film.

I don't like military men just because I have dated so many and never has a relationship turned out fruitful, but watching films like this and seeing brave men out there with their weapons fighting for what they believe in, it kind of turns me on. I am probably screwed into falling for Military men for the rest of my life. I just like that Alpha personality. Okay, I need to be more specific. I need a real Military man, not a poge. A real man, a fighter, someone who knows how to use the weapons that are given to him. Someone who isn't afriad to die for what they are fighting for. I don't want one of those pansies that cry for mamma once they are shot. I want one of those men that are so head strong that they wont get shot because they are that arrogant. 

When I was a waitress I was told by a customer that I was born in the wrong era. That I should have been born in the late 40's early 50's. I would have been the perfect pin up girl back then. Maybe I would have looked the part back then but I think I would have fit the part as well, back when men were men and the women would do anything for the REAL men that they were married to.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

#37 Club Pulse with Will and Nina

I can always count on Will to help me check off goals on my list. Last weekend 3 April 2010 Will, Nina and I went to two gay bars. The first was very low key. It was called Friends. We warmed ourselves up here with a couple glasses of wine. Then moved onto Pulse. This bar had great music and wonderful atmosphere. We met all kinds of wonderful new people there. Had a blast. I knew the evening was going to be a good night even before I left the house when I fit into a pair of pants that I haven't been able to fit in over 5 years. That is always a good start.
The evening slipped away into an early morning. Nina and burned up the dance floor and all of us drank way too much. We ended the night by hitting the local 24 hour store and getting some booze and took them back to the apartment and sat around drinking a bit more. Only in Europe can you stay out at the bar until the sun starts to come up and then go buy more so the party can keep going at home. It is too easy to see why people come to Europe and never leave. It is like Never Never land here. You never have to grow up!!!