Friday, May 28, 2010

#38 Donating Blood

Finally after searching and trying everywhere I could I have successfully given blood. 21 May 2010. I thought it was going to be a no go when I got to Washington and found that there aren't any Red Cross blood donation sites in all of western Washington. But then I got to Idaho and found a Red Cross in Boise and then a blood drive happening at the Church of Laterday Saints in Nampa while I was on vacation. My nephew was bummed that he couldn't come donate with me, but he just donated 3 weeks prior and wasn't eligible.
Complete at last! This will be the last time that I am able to give blood since by the time I get back to the states next time I will have lived in Germany for 5 years. Darn Mad Cow! Always ruining everything. lol.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

#43 Go Bowling

Marked this goal off by spending the work day at the new bowling alley with my Soldiers for a team building day. I completely forgot my camera so I wasn't able to take pictures. Way bummed on that one, but I will have to go bowling again to make up for it. This was a great way to mark off one of my goals though. We had a great time, I found out that I still suck at bowling, and the shop got out of the office for a few hours.
   We bowled three games. I totally sucked the first game, did pretty good for me on the second I bowled a 99 and then split the difference of my first and second game for the third game. But at least I didn't come in last, I came in second to last.
    What totally sucked was everytime I did really well, I would spin around and my foot would hit the foul line and my score wouldn't count. How unfair is that? I even got a strike once, but ofcourse I fouled it. Overall, it was a great day. We ate greasy bowling alley food, wore funny shoes and had some great S6 competition time. We are going to try to go again in a couple of months. Hopefully then I remember my camera. For this goal I have to thank, WO1 Brown, SSG Woods, SGT Varns, SPC Gerardo, SPC Finch and SPC Hall. Thanks for the great day at the bowling alley.

This is an add on to the previous acomplishment. Before we deployed out WO1 Brown andd SPC Finch we went bowling on last time as a shot. This time taking a group picture.