Wednesday, October 19, 2011

#91 Get my Motorcycle License

It took all summer but I got the bumblebee fixed. She is back in perfect condition and on the road. Oh and I am licensed to it is legal now!!!!(Sorry for the secrecy and black lines, but I don't need all my information readily available on the net)

Friday, July 29, 2011

#17. Buy a house COMPLETE 13 April 201

Finally after months of designing a house and signing contracts over email and phone calls I am finally home in Olympia. It is hard to believe that I am grown-up enough to own a house. 3,100sqft of house is all mine. Now all I have to do is turn these white walls non decorated walls into a home. That is going to take a while. But for now, I have have at least something to call my mine.

My very first time opening the front door and walking into my new home.
My first attempt at decorating. And yes, this is my living room not a picture of a magazine.

Monday, June 27, 2011

#100 Participate in an MS Awareness Walk COMPLETE 19 March 2011

On a gorgeous Saturday three of my classmates and I participated in the Augusta Georgia 2011 Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Walk.  It was a great experience and something I will totally be doing again. The next MS walk I want to participate in is one that stretches over three days and 60 miles.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

#47 Send 5 Cards to Friends Just Because COMPLETE 8 Feb 2011

I know that today most people don’t use snail mail anymore. There is Facebook, email, text message and so many faster ways to let someone know that you are thinking about them. But I still believe that one of the best ways to share a smile is to send a card to let a friend know they are special and on my mind. It is a nice surprise to go out to your post box and have something cheerful in the mail. Not just bills and junk. This is why I made this one of my 101 things to do. Have it be I send out cards are random throughout the year, but this was a reminder to me to let 5 friends know just how special they are.

Responses I got from friends I sent cards too

Donna McLeod:
I was finding it hard to get up and get motivated today but when I finally did I went and checked to see if the postman had been and now I can't stop smiling. Thank you so much for your lovely card, it brought back memories of the day and your visit and you know what? It is so nice to receive something like that in the post!

I hope are having a fab time in Tampa x

Hopefully our house will be sorted soon and you are always welcome to come back for another visit. Hope to see you soon x

Thank you Rene x x x x :)

Cora Gibbons:
Hey lady! Fab profile pic, hot hot hot! Thank you so much for your beautiful card. Just got home and got it in the post, can't remember the last time I got such a lovely surprise in my letterbox. Hope you are doing good and not so sad.....keep having fun in Tampa, let the good times roll...:-) and when you feel home sick again, just book a flight and come over asap! The house looks fab by the way...miss you loads too and thank you for being such a groovy chica and friend. Love you lots! Xxx

Deanna Hoops:
I just finished a 65 hour week, I am so tired but it was very nice to come home and have a card waiting for me from my sister! Thank you, I love you!

****I think it was mission success. I love all of you.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

#27 See a Movie by Myself 12 Feb 2011

Tonight I went to the cinema to see Gnomeo and Juliet in an IMAX 3D theater. It was an absolutely adorable movie. Definitely one that I will buy when it comes out on DVD.

Not only did the movie replicate Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet but throughout the movie they made references to adult movies so that the parents and adults in the audience would have their own humor as well as the children having their cute G rated movie.

I thought it was going to feel awkward going to a movie by myself but I realized once the movie started that going to a movie by myself really isn't that much different than with friends. Once the movie starts it is just you and the movie.

The movie definitely reaffirmed my love for gnomes and I will be searching for classic European made gnomes to watch over my backyard for my new house.

All and all a great experience and a lovely way to spend a Friday night by myself.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Part 1 of #18 Give 5 "I saw this and thought of you gifts" 1of 5

Yesterday was an absolutely beautiful day. Unlike the last couple of months of freezing cold it was 70 outside and the sun was glowing in the sky. Absolutely no clouds to be seen. I couldn't spend the whole day hiding in my apartment so I decided to go for a walk and look through some of the local antique shops. While rummaging through stacks and piles of really old stuff, I came along an old coke bottle. I instantly thought of Mary. I remember staying in her spare bedroom and it being full of coke memorabilia. She told me how she loved coke products and always kept her eyes out for rare items.

I have thought about her many times over the past 8 years and unfortunate only kept in contact on a few occasions. But with the sighting of this great coke bottle I couldn't help but think this is perfect for her and I have to send it to her. Also this is a great way to get in contact with a long lost friend. Constituting my 1st of 5 I saw this and thought of you gifts. I hope she likes it and I promise to do better as a friend at keeping in contact.

If it isn't easy to read the botte says at the bottem Athens GA.