Monday, January 31, 2011

Part 1 of #18 Give 5 "I saw this and thought of you gifts" 1of 5

Yesterday was an absolutely beautiful day. Unlike the last couple of months of freezing cold it was 70 outside and the sun was glowing in the sky. Absolutely no clouds to be seen. I couldn't spend the whole day hiding in my apartment so I decided to go for a walk and look through some of the local antique shops. While rummaging through stacks and piles of really old stuff, I came along an old coke bottle. I instantly thought of Mary. I remember staying in her spare bedroom and it being full of coke memorabilia. She told me how she loved coke products and always kept her eyes out for rare items.

I have thought about her many times over the past 8 years and unfortunate only kept in contact on a few occasions. But with the sighting of this great coke bottle I couldn't help but think this is perfect for her and I have to send it to her. Also this is a great way to get in contact with a long lost friend. Constituting my 1st of 5 I saw this and thought of you gifts. I hope she likes it and I promise to do better as a friend at keeping in contact.

If it isn't easy to read the botte says at the bottem Athens GA.

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