Wednesday, June 23, 2010

#14 The Monopoly Pub Crawl 19 June 2010

The Mission: To visit 26 pubs in London in the course of one day successfully drinking one alcoholic beverage at each pub.

Timeline: 1030am-1130pm

The Crew: Tim and Donna McLeod, John Goddard, Mike Hill, Lisa Anderson, Will Arden and ME!!!!

Last ones Standing: Tim and Donna McLeod, John Goddard and ME!!!!!

With a combination of tube rides, train rides, cabs, rickshaw and a WHOLE lot of walking 26 pubs were visited with the 26th pub coming with great relief. Many blisters appeared on the feet of the group. Everyone attributed my fairing so well to being in the Army, I say it is because I prepared and wore the proper shoes.

We began our journey with 7 members in our Dash Tour group but by mid-way dwindled down to the remaining 4 that completed the game. I have to admit the first half of the day wasn’t the most fun as it seemed like we were just rushing from bar to bar. But as the day turned more into a competition and we had to get creative in order to find the next pub the day became full of laughs. Tim, Will and John decided that I was the Community Chest.
By the time we got to the last pub Tim couldn’t walk anymore but we didn’t care. We had made it. Finally we could sit back and enjoy a drink. I personally took over 100 pictures. We have a picture of all of us outside every pub as a group as well as a few others along the way. For now the pictures can be seen on my Kodak Gallery Page.
This tour I definitely saw a different side of London. As a tourist you see Tower Bridge, Big Ben, The Tower of London etc. But by walking from pub to pub I saw the slums of London all the way to Park Ave. When walking past the Ritz Hotel, Donna and I overheard the doorman ask a couple who was trying to enter the hotel say, “Are you guests of the hotel?” When they replied no and that they just wanted to go in for a drink at the bar, the doorman replied, “I’m sorry we have a very strict dress code, you cannot come in.” This couple wasn’t even badly dressed. Donna and I had to snicker a bit.
The last picture is of our British Monopoly Board that is signed by a bartender from every pub that we went to. Dash is sitting on the board to represent that this was a Dash Tours event. The day was a lot of fun. A lot of work but all good things come at a price. If it was easy everyone would do it.

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