Monday, August 23, 2010

#12 Kiss a random person 7 August 2010

The Brampton Mile. On my last day in Chesterfield England I was treated to the Brampton Mile. Basically 17 pubs on a long street. Not unlike the Monopoly Pub crawl that we did in London only this on is very easy in that there is no searching for the pubs.

All the pubs were very different and we had a great time at all of them. Then we came to about our 10th or 11th pub? Flirty and cute like I also am, I was ordering the drinks from the bar and talking up the bartender. Sometime during our stay at the bar I decided to go get the bartender because I wanted to take a picture with him.

He came around the bar and was very kind and cheerful to take a picture with me, but what I wasn't expecting was when the picture was over he reached around me and kissed me. A bit startled but always quick on my feet I said, "wait, can you do that again?" Then looked at Donna and said, "take a picture" This time he really kissed me. Whooooo.

Going back to high school, about 10 minutes later a guy came around to the table asking if the bartender could have my phone number. Then he came back with the bartenders phone number on a piece of paper for me. How cute is that? Seriously, felt like I was in high school again and having runners do the notes with the check the block if you like me. Hee hee.

So, he kissed me first. He was a total stranger and it was one really good kiss.

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