Tuesday, August 10, 2010

# 40 Clean out the Closet and donate clothes 2 Aug 2010

         It took a lot to do, but I finally did it. I buckled down one day and said THIS IS IT!!!! I had so many clothes that I haven't worn in years, clothes that are really cute but if I tried to wear them someone would say "She is way too old to be wearing THAT!", and then there are the clothes and are too small/torn/faded/worn out/just need to go.
         So, I started by taking everything out of my drawers, closets, and out from under my bed and piled it into a big heap on the livingroom floor. I put a movie on and grabbed a bier. I knew this was going to be a long event. Every item was held up to pass the "do I liked can I still get away with wearing this" test. If it passed this round it then went on to the "does it fit" round. If it passed again it went into the keep pile. If not it went into the donate bin.
         After two movies and I think 3-4 biers I finally finished. I put all the keepers back in the closets and drawers, and ended up with 3 very large overstuffed donation bags. I am not talking your average grocery bags. I am talking you just went to Macy's and bought bedding bags. On the bright side, I no longer have to wonder if the outfit I chose will fit and I always have a hanger when I open my closet.
         Like I said, it was painful. Getting rid of clothes always is, you never know if you will lose the weight to fit into those really cute jeans I use to wear in high school that will never be in fashion again. lol. It is done!!!! Now I don't have to ship so much back to the states. Hooray !!!

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