Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day One

Everyone has a blog these days so why not me. I have always written my thoughts down in journals in the past but now with technology upon us the thing to do is put our thoughts out there for the world to judge.

I have started a new set of goals. 101 things to accomplish in 1001 days. I have to admitt I am struggling to put together the list of 101 things that I would like to do but I am getting there. And as soon as I get the list put together you can bet it will be published on this blog. Now one thing I have been working on is my cooking skills. Tonight I finally, after 3 nights of not so perfect tries made mouth watering baked salmon. It was sooo very good. Along with this cooking masterpiece I discovered a nice white wine. I wanted to try marinating the Salmon in white wine so I openned a bottle of German Deinhard Beeren Auslese from the Johannisberg Schloss. The wine was so very sweet and fruity. Absolutely lovely. I will definetely be finding this bottle again. Just have to remember where I picked it up at.

The Salmon was done in a white wine, garlic, rosemary marinade, slow baked. These are two things that are on my list of things to accomplish. Learning to cook and tasting/ appreciating different types of wines.

My goal with this blog is to have something to write about and not let my life slip by me uneventful. Whether it is something small like mastering a recipe or something large like last weekend when I vacationed in Switzerland and learned to Ski. Just as long as I am doing something.

Till then-

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