Saturday, February 27, 2010

Simple pleasures of Childhood

The sun came out today. So very welcome after the last 3 months of cold snow. I took Fritz and Lexi(my maltese dogs) down to the local walking path dog park whatever you like to call it. Fritz loves to run large circles for no reason other than to run and bark and ack a fool.

As we walk to the end of the path there was a small childrens park, equiped with a swing set. So, I sat down and began to sway. Pumping my legs back and forth I began to gain height. Then I leaned back and stared at the clouds. white puffy clouds in a bright blue sky. With that weightless flight feeling as I continue to sway back and forth.

And all I can think is, remember when you were a kid and everything was so easy and all you had to do was just swing and stare at the clouds.

I definately will be taking time to have more moments like today. Taking my dogs to the park and playing on the swing set staring at the clouds.

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