Sunday, February 28, 2010

A day of cleaning and Feng Shui

Today started off normal. I don't know what came over me. All I wanted to do was mop the floors in the living room since I had mopped all the others yesterday. Then something came over me. First it was the Pole in the middle of the room. I decided I don't really practice on it anymore and it just gets in the way so I took it down. Then I thought, Hey one of my 101 goals is to get caught up on my scrapbooks. So, I re-arranged the furnature in the living room and brought my work desk in from the spare room.

Now, since all my scrapbook suppplies are staring me in the face daily it is harder to brush it aside. I have everything organized and ready to go. I printed off the contact sheets and am now selecting the pictures for the pages.

So, here's hoping that I can knock off another goal.

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