Thursday, March 11, 2010

#89 and #98

# 89  Learning to Ski and # 98 Visiting Switzerland I knocked out together.
  Some dear friends; Tim, Donna and John, came over from England and we all met up with Will down at his place in Switzerland. They made the long drive while I decided to be lazy and take the train.
  It was a wonderful weekend of Wills outstanding cooking, alcoholic beverages, good friends, too many laughs and a few strange stories. There was a rather bad bathroom incident but it ended with meeting a very talented artist who works as a plumber for a day job.
   On the slopes I had a few falls. My one major fall I blame on a child that came barrelling down the mountain and rather than take him out I cut too sharply and landed with my legs spread wide and toes pointed away from eachother. Not the most comfortable of positions. Head first into the snow.
  But in true fashion we made up for the cold by warming up with spirits that evening. I can't wait to make my next trip down to visit.

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