Saturday, March 6, 2010

Disgusting Cleaning day

Lately I have noticed a funny, well gross smell coming from the corner closet in my entry way. This is where I store everything. This trunk covers two walls in the front room both walls are about 10 feet long. So today I decided to take the middle back walls out to see what was back there that was smelling. What did I find?
BLACK MOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is so gross. Smells horrible not to mention is really bad for your health. This isn't the first time I have had a problem with blak mold in this apartment. My landlord is a total flake and doesn't keep up the building. Not to mention I don't even have a phone number where I can reach him in a situation like this.
   So I spent the greater part of this morning scrubbing the mold off the back of the cabnets and then bleaching then before re-asembling them. Uggghhh it is was very gross. I think there may still be some behind the panels to the right that I didn't take the time to take down. These have shelves and a lot more involved in taking it apart. I am hoping that I got the most of it. I took pictures and plan on turning them into post housing and into legal.
    On to my next topic. I finished the Lord of the Rings Trilogy tonight. I had wondered why this was on so many peoples list of 101 things to do. I now know why. Every single one of them was a stretch to stay awake during. I do not get the fascination with this series. Give me Harry Potter or Star Wars any day. But I stuck to myy guns and finally made it through.
    Update on the pups. They are doing very well. Eating like little hogs. Specially one of the boys, everytime I check on them he is eating so I expect him to be big and fat. They are all very sweet and are finally letting Lexi get some rest. Fritz is definitely jealous of all the attention that Lexi and the puppies get. Everytime I go into their room to check on them he starts whining. I think he misses Lexi. I tried letting him near the puppies but Lexi wouldn't have it. Maybe in a week she will be more leniant.

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