Friday, March 5, 2010

Puppies are here!

   Last night at 1900 Lexi gave birth to the first puppy. It is a boy. She instantly took to the mothering. She is doing so much better than she did with her first pregnancy. Then about 40 minutes later came another Boy. He was a bit bigger and gave her some troubles but turned out to be a healthy bith as well. And finally our little girl just couldn't wait any longer. She just pushed her way through not giving Lexi much of a break at all.
   All three came out crying like little mice. No they don't bark when they are first born. They squeal like mice.   
    I called everyone who needed to be updated on the arrival of the pups. First of course was Kris as she we wish she could have been with us for the birth. She helped with the birth of Princess the Lexi's first puppy and now the owner of Princess. After I called the family that will be adopting one of the pups so the children could hear the pups sqealing. The children were very excited and can't wait for next weekend to come so they can come visit the pups. And the final call is to my mother to let her know that yet again she is a grandmother to more dogs. She keeps her hopes up that one of these days I will grow up settle down find a nice man and start a family of my own with human children. But for now she is happy with her four legged grand children.   Lexi is doing so well with the puppies that
    I only had to get up twice last evening to assist with the nursing. By the time I left for work this morning all three were sucking like champs and hopefully will let Lexi get some sleep today. I know she has to be tired.
   For me, I am very glad that it is the weekend so I can keep 24 hour watch on Lexi and the pups. Making sure that everything goes alright. These first few days are the most crucial. But Lexi is doing such an amazing job with the puppies I know that they are in much better paws with her than in my hands.
    As for any plans for the weekend. I have rented movies. So my couch and I are going to have some bonding time. :D

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