Friday, March 12, 2010

Frustration with #38

   I thought I had everything all clear and ready to go. I am use to getting some push back when I want to do things and then people telling me, no I'm sorry because you have MS you can't do this or that. But, I had my paperwork in hand and I was ready to go. I printed off the policy from the Red Cross saying that they had lifted the ban on donors with MS back in May of 2007 and off I went to the local blood drive.
   Silly me, I forgot. This is the Military. We have our own rules that don't follow any guidelines that the rest of the world follow. So after about an hour of screening and asking questions the big one finally was asked. And I was ready. I said, I am being seen for MS. Then when she went to look in her big book of referals I pulled out the policy letter and she said, "Well good for the Red Cross, but the Military still has a ban on MS donors."
   Isn't that just peachy! I will still make this goal, I will just have to wait until I can get back stateside and go to an official Red Cross to donate.

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