Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The beginning of #29 Getting rid of old things in boxes that I don't use/need/want anymore

    This weekend I had four days off from work. I figured it was the perfect oppertunity to get started on going through and cleaning the blankets I want to keep and getting rid of things I am holding onto for who knows why.
    When I first had the problem with the mold in the entry way I had housing get in contact with my landlord. He requested that I take everything out of the trunk so he could move it away from the wall a couple of inches in order to create ventilation room. This also gave me reason to start this project.
     For some reason I have been keeping every box that I get anything in. So for starts I collapsed and recycled two blue recycling bins of boxes. There were boxes from old cell phones, from hard drives, amazon.com, you name it, if it came to me in a box I still had the box.
     Then I found an entire foot locker of an ex's old clothes. Why am I still storing this stuff? I folded all the clothes, sorted out the socks and underwear and took them to the donation center. The socks and underwear got thrown away.
     In the fashion of spring cleaning, I rounded up my down douvet, the pillow top for my bed, all the pillows in my house, and the king size comforter I have decided to keep, and took them to the laundry mat for cleaning.
     While sorting through my linens I decided I don't need my deployment twin size sheets anymore. Therefore the sheets and their matching pillowcases were folded up and taken to the donation center along with the ex's clothes.
      This was one days work. I still have a lot more to do. I have another load that needs to go to the donation center. I have found an old toaster that works but I won't use again. A couple of camera cases for cameras I don't have anymore, a laptop bag for a laptop that I don't have anymore, and a few other odds and ends. I am quite sure that there will be more as I go through the rest of the trunks as well. What I really need to do is the painful part. Start on my closet. There are so many articles in there that I haven't worn in forever and I know I will never wear them again, but you know how hard it is to get rid of clothes. I just need to buckle down and do it.
    What really sucks to think is just when I am done doing all of this here in Germany and getting down to a minimized state here, I will move back to the states and pick up all of my stuff that my parents have been storing for me. That will be another monster to go through and tackle since I haven't seemed to throw anything away ever in my life.
     I will get there though. I make this promise to myself. I will be clutter free!

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